Ticket History

Show the whole history of the ticket, including its status and any action taken in response to it

The ticket history or activity log becomes crucial for the support system because it allows you to view all interactions related to a particular ticket. By adding this add-on, whether a ticket is open or closed, keep a record of each one. You will receive a complete activity log or ticket history of every action taken by an agent on a ticket.
Ticket history view for admin:
As an admin, you’d like to know everything that happened on a ticket, from when it arrived at your support system and how an agent reacted to it, and what happened next. So you can get an overview of all the activities that have occurred on a ticket in the Majestic Support with a single click.
Ticket history view for the agent:
Agents also have access to the whole history of the ticket, which includes the date, time, and action details taken on it. The below screenshot displays an overview of all the activities that have transpired on a ticket.


Version History
Here is the detailed version history below
arrowSecurity update.
arrowJust release.
Purchase Options
Useful Links
Extension Details
  • Developer Majestic Support
  • Version 1.0.0
  • PHP version 5.6.20 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0.15 or greater
  • Apache mod_rewrite module
  • Majestic Support latest version